• Posted by Tok Syed - July 13, 2020

    Akta Bekalan Elektrik 1990 (Akta 447)

    BAHAGIAN IX – KESALAHAN DAN PENALTI Kesalahan 37. (2) Mana-mana orang yang dengan apa-apa perbuatan atau peninggalan gopoh atau cuai menyebabkan kecederaan atau kerosakan kepada mana-mana orang atau harta berkenaan dengan mana-mana pepasangan atau kelengkapan atau suatu bahagiannya adalah melakukan suatu kesalahan dan boleh dikenakan, apabila disabitkan, denda tidak melebihi satu ratus ribu ringgit atau […]

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  • Posted by cbyd - November 18, 2019

    CBYD Workflow Process

    Please refer attachment hyperlink for CBYD Workflow Process 15112019.

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  • Posted by cbyd - January 24, 2019

    Damage to network facilities, etc.

    Under section 235 of the Communications And Multimedia Act 1998 (Act 588) provides that a person who, by any wilful, dishonest or negligent act or omission, extends, tampers with adjusts, alters, removes, destroys or damages any network facilities or any part of them commits an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding […]

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